Rev. Luther Jackson Was the Senior Pastor Emeritus, Founder and Builder of Abyssinia Baptist Church of God In Christ
In 1960, he was designated as Leader of the Abyssinia Prayer Band, Fairland, Maryland. of Ken-Gar, Kensington, Maryland. He received his license to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and served at First Baptist under his Pastor, the Late Rev. Murphy. The Late Rev. Murphy presided over his ordination service. After his Ordination Service held at First Baptist Church of Ken-Gar Rev. L. Jackson was officially installed by the Late Rev. Murphy as Pastor of St. Paul Community Church in Sugarland, Maryland.. He served as Pastor of St. Paul Community Church until he began the work of building Abyssinia Baptist Church in Fairland, Maryland. Rev. L. Jackson had the blueprints drawn and handle all the necessary paper work that was required to begin building Abyssinia Baptist Church in Fairland, Maryland.The property was full of trees, bushes and weeds. Rev. L. Jackson cleared the land, cutting down the trees. He made fireplace wood and sold it by the cord. He used the money from the sale of wood to establish the Building Fund for the New Church. Family and friends of the Abyssinia Prayer group contributed donations to the Church Building Fund as construction on the Church proceeded.
In addition, three programs were in 1985 for the benefit of the Church Building Fund: A Prayer Breakfast and two Gospel in Song programs.
ON SATURDAY, JUNE 6,1985, The Late Rev. James W. Murphy of First Baptist Church Ken-Gar, Kensington, Maryland conducted “Ground Breaking Service” at the building site for the New Church .
ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1988, Rev. Alvin Coleman of New Strait Gate Baptist Church, Washington, DC preached the First Sermon at Abyssinia Baptist.
ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 1988, ABYSSINIA BAPTIST CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, Fairland, Maryland was officially opened for Worship Services. The Late Rev. James W. Murphy Ken-Gar officiated at the service, “ Ribbon-Cutting, Dedicating the Church and delivered the Sermon” with his Choir, Ushers and Members of his congregation participating.
ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1988, The “CORNERSTONE SERVICE” was held on this date because it coincides with the birth date of the Late Deacon George H. Jackson (Rev. L. Jackson’s brother). His daughter, Sister Alice Boswell donated the cornerstone.
SEPTEMBER 1991, Sister Geneva Johnson began as pianist for the Church and continued until 1997 when she moved to Nevada.
OCTOBER 28, 1995, Rev. Spencer E. Jackson the son of Rev. Luther Jackson preached his trail sermon at Abyssinia Baptist. He designed and build the Church’s new addition and install the permanent indoor Baptism pool in the general purpose room. The project was completed in 1997.JUNE 17, 1997, Rev. Spencer E. Jackson received his minister license to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and began serving at Abyssinia Baptist Church in Fairland under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Rev. L. Jackson.
APRIL, 1999, Sister Pauline Campbell of Good Hope Methodist Church began as choir director and pianist for the Church. We thank God for the blessings we have received from her playing and singing of the Gospel.Vision is now a reality. “REV. L. JACKSON, WE AT ABYSSINIA BAPTIST CAN NEVER THANKS YOU ENOUGH FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR US BY OBEYING GOD AND BUILDING THIS CHURCH. ” As Rev. L. Jackson says, “ GOD is GOOD”